Membership in the New Jersey Association of Endodontists (The NJAE) is open to individuals who meet the following requirements for either Active Member, Student Member, or Honorary Member membership status.
Membership Requirements:
Active members
Acceptance for active membership in the New Jersey Association of Endodontists is possible if one of the following vetting criteria is met:
a. Existing member of the New Jersey Association of Endodontists
b. Any endodontist from an approved ADA postgraduate endodontic dental school or hospital based residency program licensed in New Jersey or the other 49 states in the U.S.
c. Any internationally licensed endodontist or dentist
d. Full time endodontic educators providing endodontic education at an approved ADA postgraduate endodontic dental school or hospital based residency program
Student members
A dentist enrolled in an ADA approved postgraduate endodontic dental school or hospital based residency program is eligible for student membership. NJAE requires this individual to submit one of the following:
1. A letter of recommendation from the head of the Department of endodontics where enrolled.
2. Endorsement by two (2) active members of the New Jersey Association of Endodontists
At the successful completion of postgraduate training, the student member is required to submit an application for active membership. Student membership ceases on the last day of the calendar year in which specialty training is completed, unless the course is completed after November 1, in which case a student may be granted an extension until June 30 of the following year.
Life Membership
Life members shall have attained the age of 65 and been Active Members for 25 or more years. Active members who have retired before 65 and have been members for over 25 years also qualify as life members.
Military Membership
Dentists serving in the armed forces of the United States.
Honorary Members
Honorary members shall be those elected to membership because of significant contributions to the advancement of endodontics. Honorary membership does not carry voting privileges.