Dear NJAE Members & Guests:
It is with significant regret that I reluctantly announce the cancellation of the 25th Annual NJAE Marc Balson Winter Symposium. The decision to cancel this year’s meeting, at this time, is predicated on ensuring the health and safety of our members, their guests, our speakers and sponsors. Under the present prevailing conditions, holding this meeting next Saturday would be irresponsible and demonstrate poor judgement. We are sensitive to the concerns of our attendees and the Board has decided to reschedule the meeting for a Saturday in late October. We plan to work with the Marriott Hotel to find a date that will be mutually acceptable to them and us.
We certainly hope, that by that time, there will be enough distance between the COVID-19 crisis and all of us. If you have registered for this meeting you may ask for a refund by email less the fee charged by the NJAE’s bank to process your credit card payment. Alternatively, you don’t have to do anything and that will indicated to us that you want to join us when the symposium is rescheduled at no extra charge to you. We will keep everyone updated on when the meeting will be rescheduled and certainly you may contact either Dr. John Archible (NJAE President) or myself if you have any questions or need clarification about anything concerning the symposium or a refund.
NJAE plans to have a recorded preview video by our speakers on the topics that will be covered at our meeting at the end of October this year. It will be available to our members and any guests who have paid to attend the meeting. We are also looking into providing our members and their guests with a pre-recorded webinar in lieu of our annual Fall Conference. That’s just another perk for being a member of NJAE. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and hope that we shall see you at our rescheduled meeting in about 8 months.
All the best,
Marc Balson, DDS, FIAE
Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics
Executive Director, New Jersey Association of Endodontists
Dr. John Archible
President, New Jersey Association of Endodontists